Choose the inbox appearance

Choose the form


Form no. 1 - Standard appearance

The main problem when styling a web form is (as always) different interpretation and appearance of forms in different browsers. You can compare this form in IE, FF and Opera and you will find out that all inputs are displayed differently. On the top of that, this is not only a problem of different browsers but you might face the same problem when using different operating systems because any browser should ask the operating system to draw those elements so they would appear the same and would not confuse users. You can see the amount of compliance with this fact (image). Because of this any complex styling is not recommended.

You can see a deterrent sample - the Crazy appearance. Please check that option and press the button Submit form.

Form no. 1- Crazy appearance

In case you have to use styling, you can see several extended possibilities of styles in the following forms; check "Form no.2" and press the button "Submit form". In case you wanted to see how this form appears without the external css file, check the option "Without styling" and confirm

Form no. 1 - Without styling

Proceed by checking "Form no. 2" and press the button "Submit form".