of the lesson:
Our task is to create a one-sided document in LaTeX which will contain several mathematical symbols. The final document can be seen in the following image.
Take a look at the fifth paragraph. You can see a combinatorial number inside. We have to find out how to write such a symbol:
A factorial can be added as a simple exclamation mark, the rest of this paragraph should be clear from the previous lesson.
Pravděpodobnost výhry při losování $k$ čísel z $n$ možných lze vypočítat pomocí kombinačního čísla ${n \choose k} $. Například při losování $6$ čísel ze $49$ je
$${49 \choose 6} =\frac{49!}{43!6!} =\frac{49\cdot 48\cdot \ldots \cdot 44}{6!} =49\cdot 4\cdot 47\cdot 46\cdot 3\cdot 11\doteq 14\cdot 10^6$$
tedy 1 : 14 milionům.
The last paragraph is remaining. You have to add limits, an inequality and a function g(ξ). For the first part you need to know:
In the following part we get to a more complex inequality. Imagine it as a table (array) which consists of three rows and three columns. We will use another environment - array, concretely its mathematical form eqnarray (this array centers lines according to the sign):
In case you generate the PDF file now, you can see 2 problems:
We have this code at this moment:
Co je derivace $f'(x)$? Je to limita
\lim_{n\to 0} \frac{f(x)-f(x+\Delta x)}{\Delta x} ,
což je v geometrické interpretaci směrnice tečny v bodě x. Pro výpočet bitové šířky $x$ desítkového čísla $C \in \Re $ řešíme nerovnici:
C&\le& 2^x \\
\log{C} &\le&x\cdot \log{2} \\
x&=&\left \lceil \frac{\log{C} }{\log{2} } \right \rceil \\
We can continue with the last equation. There are several problems in this part:
The environment array contains an optional parameter which can be inserted into braces behind \begin{array}. In this case we used {ll} to allign the text to the left.
Nespojitá funkce $g(\xi )$ je definována takto:
$$g(\xi )=\left\{
0&\textrm{pro $\xi < 0$} \\
\xi &\textrm{pro }\xi \in \langle 0;1) \\
1&\textrm{pro $\xi > 1$} \\
The whole source code is available here: Zdrojovy_kod.txt and you can also view the PDF version here: prepsany_dokument.pdf.
Congratulations, you have created your first mathematical text.