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LaTeX Practically III

ostatni-sinContent of the lesson:

  • Example of Written Page from School Exercise Book
  • Practical Exercises - Typesetting of New Elements
  • Homework

Example of Written Page from School Exercise Book

Our task is to typeset a part of mathematical text from a school exercise book in LaTeX. The sample page is available in the following image.

vzorová strana ze sešitu
vysázená strana ze sešitu

Compare both versions and try to rate them. How would you typeset terms which are twice underlined inside the exercise book?

Source Code of This Example

Source code can be downloaded or viewed here: latex-sesit-1.txt.

Practical Exercises - Typesetting of New Elements

Try to typeset the following document in LaTeX. Especially try to find elements which were not explained and try to find the proper solution in the Internet.

Souhrnný dokument v LaTeXu


Try to typeset any page from your exercise book for Mathematics or Physics.

webdesign, xhtml, css, php - Mgr. Michal Mikláš