In this lesson:
In this lesson, we focuse on creating more difficult CD cover. We can use mode of CD cover and default photo. We'll modify this photo in order to make it similar to original cover.
Save this picture to your computermadonna_vstupnifoto.jpg a madonna_celebration.jpg.
One of the most important information is cover's dimension. We can use rule to measure real cover or use find cover's dimension. We found that front side measures 121 mm×121 mm. We make our document smaller in the end of this lesson, we'll work with original size of the photo.
We start to modify default photo. Open Photoshop and choose File->Open (or drag photo to Photoshop).
We need to open original cover (Madonna Celebration). We'll use tool which allows us to open more files in one window. Find this icon in top menu and choose
Side by side.
We can see both of picture now and it'll be easily to work with them. We can change position of the middle strip. We need to see only preview of the original photo so make default photo bigger and make preview smaller using CTRL and - (or use Zoom Tool). It's better to see all documents you work with.
We'll modify our default picture.
To keep default photo, right-click on layer named Pozadí and choose Layer from background. Duplicate this layer (right-clik to this layer and choose Duplicate layer. Hide original layer (Vrstva 0) si skryjeme (click to icon of the eye next to layer preview). Rename Vrstva 0 kopie to oblicej.
You can see that original photo is composed only from small dots. Use filter Color Halftone. What is important when you use this filter?
The result will be as this picture below.
We need to have only dark dots in our document. Use Magic Wand Tool.
Now we have only black dots without background and we can insert new background. The original background is probably old paper as you can see in the original cover. Open a and try to find Old paper. Google will find dozens of pictures so we have to specify our query. Our picture has resoluton 2000×2000 bodů, set Bigger than 6 Mpx (2816×2112) in the left column. We have to check that picture isn't copyrighted and it's free. Right-click to this picture and choose Copy image. Klikneme na něj pravým tlačítkem a zvolíme Kopírovat obrázek. Open Photoshop and choose Edit->Paste or use CTRL+V shortcut.
Rename this layer to papir and move it above oblicej layer.
We'll modify the picture of face to requested form.
We have to highlight only main face traits:
We have to colorize our photo using appropriate colors. Use red to hightlight mouth, blue to eye shadow, yellow to hair and black to eyebrows. Create new layer for every part of the face. It's important to set right Layer Blending and Opacity. Default settings is Normal for Layer Blendging and 100 % for Opacity).
You can try different options bu we use
It's really important to have every part of the face in different layer. It's easily to modify it again (or remove). Keep size of all parts of the face.
Your result could be as this picture. Do not worry to remove some layer and make it again or try different Layer Blending or use Eraser Tool .
We can make Celebration title now. In original picutre, letters are transparent and placed in rectangle:
Use same process as before. There's small detail - newspaper are placed below this text.
Oepn and try to find Old newspapers picture.
Insert this picture to Photoshop. Hold CTRL key and click to picture next to MADONNA layer.
We choose only requested pixels. Click to Layer Mask
and picture of the newspaper will be placed behind this text.
It's better to work with linked layers. Hold CTRL key and mark layers which you would to link. Then right-click to these layer and choose a Link Layers.
Last step is to create colored splashes. There are lots of different brushes on the Internet. But be carefull, some of them aren't free. We'll use procemo_splatter.abr, which are free for non-comercial use.
Move file named procemo_splatter.abr to Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS4/Presets/Brushes.
Open new brushes by clicking to Brush Tool and select this icon
Click to small arrow in the right upper corner and choose procemo_splatter brushes.
Create new layer and draw some splashes using new brushes. Try to use different Layer Blending and Opacity.
You can use default brushes and draw splashes on your own way.
Save file as madonna_celebration_original and as madonna_celebration_kopie. Modify the madonna_celebration_kopie size to 121 mm×121 mm. Open Image->Image size and set dimension to 121 mm×121 mm.