Content of the lesson:
We are going to learn several new commands and functions which can be combined with the limited SELECT commands. All new functions will be explained using examples, you will need the renome database which was used in the previous lessons. The whole database can be downloaded in this file: databaze.txt.
The command LIMIT can be used in situation when you have a large table and you want to display only a limited number of results (for example the first ten results), or if you want to separate your results into multiple pages (for example 10 articles per each page) - in this case you want to display 10 records from the N-th item in the database.
general syntax: LIMIT od, pocet LIMIT pocet output of the first 10 records: LIMIT 10 lze zapsat i jako LIMIT 0, 10 output of the records 11 - 20: LIMIT 10, 10
The first example which is listed below this text will display the 10 most often read articles with the number of views (the command ORDER BY viewedcount DESC will sort data according to the number of views (descending) and the command LIMIT 10 will output the first 10 records).
SELECT heading, viewedcount FROM renome_tarticle ORDER BY viewedcount DESC LIMIT 10
The first 10 most read articles are displayed. Now we want to display the following 10 articles, that means the 11th - 20th most read article. We only have to adjust the command LIMIT and extend it by one numeric parameter (LIMIT from, count) thus LIMIT 10, 10.
SELECT heading, viewedcount FROM renome_tarticle ORDER BY viewedcount DESC LIMIT 10, 10
The command LIKE is most often used in the queries SELECT and with the command WHERE which is used to select records according to a condition. In case that you search for text data and use the equal operator, you have to specify a specific text. However, you might want to set the condition more generally (for example articles beginning with the letter P or articles which contain a particular link). You can use the command LIKE for this purpose - there is the name of field on the left side and the expression which defines the searched value on the right side. You can use all of the following special characters:
Character | Meaning |
% | Replaces any number of characters |
_ | Replaces one character |
[] | Range of characters (for example [1-5] for one number in range 1 - 5) |
After the list of basic options of syntax you can see several examples. The first one can be used to choose articles which begin with the letter P.
SELECT heading FROM renome_tarticle WHERE heading LIKE 'P%'
The second example can be used to choose articles which contain any link in the text (that means HTML tag a with set parameter href) - we search for a text which contains the word href.
SELECT heading FROM renome_tarticle WHERE text LIKE '%href%'
Aggregation Functions can be used to work with values in a particular set of records. The most often used functions are listed in the following table:
Function | Description |
AVG() | Arithmetic mean |
MIN() | Minimum value |
MAX() | Maximum value |
COUNT() | Number of values |
SUM() | Sum of values |
The following two examples demonstrate usage of the function AVG() to compute the arithmetic mean of views for displayed articles and the function SUM() to find out the total number of views for all displayed articles. Using any of the other functions is based on the same principle.
SELECT AVG(viewedcount) FROM renome_tarticle
SELECT SUM(viewedcount) FROM renome_tarticle
The aggregation functions which were described in the previous paragraph are commonly used with the command GROUP BY. This command groups values according to a criterium. Then you can use the aggregation functions on every grouped value for example to find out the number of values in each category.
SELECT name, COUNT(*) FROM renome_tarticle INNER JOIN renome_ccathegory ON renome_tarticle.idccathegory = renome_ccathegory.idccathegory GROUP BY renome_tarticle.idccathegory
Function | Description |
DATEDIFF(date1, date2) | Difference of two dates in days |
CURDATE() | Current date |
DAY() | Day |
MONTH() | Month |
YEAR() | Year |
TIMEDIFF(time1, time2) | Difference of two times (in the time format) |
CURTIME() | Current time |
HOUR() | Hours |
MINUTE() | Minutes |
SECOND() | Seconds |
The first example displays the list of articles and their age in days. To find out the age in days we used the function DATEDIFF which finds out the difference between the current date (function CURDATE) and the date listed inside the column createdate.
SELECT heading, createdate, DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), createdate) FROM renome_tarticle
The second query selects articles from the September 2009 only. The functions for working with date and time are used inside the condition WHERE which uses the month and year from the column createdate using the functions MONTH and YEAR. The month is compared with the value 9 (September) and the year with the value 2009. To connect these two comparisons the AND logical operator is used.
SELECT heading, createdate FROM renome_tarticle WHERE (MONTH(createdate)=9 and YEAR (createdate)=2009)